Chapter the Second
1And “Dirk” went west, from Chicago,
through Wisconsin, South Dakota, and Wyoming,
up into Idaho, over into Washington, all the
while seeking signs, keys to the kabbalistic mysteries that tormented
his increasingly frictioned fiction.
2And the signs became manifest. And “Dirk” interpreted the
signs and thereby found his destiny.
3His “death” would be of the Weekly World News Elvis
variety, a hoax, a way of escaping the demands of celebrity and worship,
a means of procuring the time necessary to go west agatherin’ insight.
4But was he dead already? Had his
demise been described?
5Or was such thinking premature?
6“Dirk” wept.
7Then blew his nose, loudly and poorly. Mucous coated his mustache
and made it as large as Nietzsche’s, though
of a different color, of course.
8And “Dirk” examined his notes and discovered the Book
of Signs.