s I recall back those years ninety
and eight, ninety and nine, ought, ought one and ought two, we were yes they
days of
our lives they were, clear as a bell, yes you
too, William, clear as a bell, there were, there were, streams and
rivers there mountains
and women
in France there were songs and womens and oh hellfire and damnation
cults and readings but things do slip yes those writers them Garcia Jerry
yes correct that ah yeah read books Gaddis, that Burroughs
character ah yes mugwump jizzum that Reagan ah bullshit
what whats that you say ninety and nine that
year was and we lost as well
several cast members of Saturday Night Live year before a curse I say
a curse that show to be talented on it was death. Yes dammit, yes, love. Such
a time it was as that and how she was. She was how she
was and I remember, yes insulin. And then how the end came. And how it
lasted time. I dont know what. I dont know what time no I dont
I remember she said time she cried. No thats not time, thats not
Thats not how it was when she left she said. She said yes and
there was
love and time the balloon had not yet filled up yes
it was filling and loving and then just then it had just then begun to rise and
it fell and
then and then and then now what was what is what is what was what then
was what and then now is now and then now is what no what now what now
it hurts ow now ow wheres my fucking nitrogylcerin Im having another
heart attack. . . .